Enzymatic Scouring and Low-temperature Bleaching of Fabrics Constructed from Cotton, Regenerated Bamboo, Poly(lactic acid), and Soy Protein Fibers 

Vol. 16,  No. 8, pp. 1723-1733, Aug.  2015

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[IEEE Style]

N. 힋pi훾ka, 탐. Zupin, J. Kova훾, P. E. F. Tav훾er, "Enzymatic Scouring and Low-temperature Bleaching of Fabrics Constructed from Cotton, Regenerated Bamboo, Poly(lactic acid), and Soy Protein Fibers," Fibers and Polymers, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 1723-1733, 2015. DOI: fipo-2015-16-8-1723.

[ACM Style]

Nina 힋pi훾ka, 탐iva Zupin, Janez Kova훾, and Petra Eva Forte Tav훾er. 2015. Enzymatic Scouring and Low-temperature Bleaching of Fabrics Constructed from Cotton, Regenerated Bamboo, Poly(lactic acid), and Soy Protein Fibers. Fibers and Polymers, 16, 8, (2015), 1723-1733. DOI: fipo-2015-16-8-1723.