Effect of Pressurized Heat Treatment on the Impregnation Rate of Graphite Blocks after Pitch Impregnation and Carbonization 

Vol. 58,  No. 6, pp. 346-350, Dec.  2021


Artificial graphite blocks have excellent electrical, thermal, and chemical properties and are used in various applications. The impregnation process is an important step in the artificial graphite block manufacturing process for achieving high density and optimizing various performances. However, during the re-carbonization process after the impregnation process, the impregnated pitch is melted via temperature increase for recarbonization, and its low molecular weight components are volatilized. This induces elution of the impregnated pitch that filled the pores of the graphite block, resulting in a decrease in the impregnation rate and an increase in density. Re-impregnation and re-carbonization processes, which are expensive and time-consuming, are required to be performed several times to achieve the desired density. Therefore, this study aims to address this issue by applying the pressurized heat treatment during the impregnation process. The rates of density increase and impregnation rates are not significantly increased when compared to those of the impregnated graphite block without pressurized-heat treatment. However, it was found that about 10-20 bar of the pressure could be generated during the the pressurized-heat treatment, resulting in the increased impregnation rate of the lower pressure impregnation, which was similar to the higher pressure impregnation.

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