About > Welcome Remark
Dear Distinguished Guests and Esteemed Participants

It is my great pleasure and honor to express a warm and heartfelt welcome to all of you at the AsiaFlux Conference 2023, hosted on the beautiful island of Jeju, Korea. This meeting marks a significant moment in our way to sustainability and scientific advances, since we profess a theme of “The Role of AsiaFlux in the Era of Carbon Neutral and Beyond”.

In today’s world, collaborative approach from all corners of the world is essential to deal with the challenges of climate change. In this crucial journey towards achieving carbon neutrality and sustainable ecosystem, the AsiaFlux plays a critical role and this conference with serves as a platform for exchanging ideas, sharing research findings and fostering innovative partnerships to address the environmental issues that threatens human beings.

AsiaFlux, with its diverse network of researchers and institutions across the continent, has significantly contributed the advancement of our understanding of water and carbon cycling and its broader implications for the environment. In this fall we will gather in Jeju and reaffirm our dedication to building upon these foundations and unlocking new avenues for our societies, economies and technologies to achieve carbon neutral. AsiaFlux, with its wealth of expertise, data and knowledge, will stands as a catalyst for innovative solutions and insights that can shape our transition towards a greener and more sustainable world.

See you in Jeju soon.

Prof. Hyun Seok Kim
On behalf of AsiaFlux Local Committee