Call for Papers

Call for Papers
Submission Guidelines
  • Papers should be submitted through this link:
  • Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX formats are found here:
      Validation of the manuscript by IEEE PDF eXpress:
      Prior to submission, the final manuscript PDF file must be validated by IEEE PDF eXpress to ensure that it is IEEE Xplore-compliant.

      • Go to IEEE PDF eXpress Website at
      • If you are a new user, select ‘New Users – Click here’ and enter the Conference ID (see below), your email address and choose a password. If you have used previously PDF eXpress you should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences.
      • PDF Instructions for authors are HERE
    • Once inside PDF eXpress you have two options:
      • Option 1 (Recommended): You can generate the PDF file from your source files (e.g. MS Word) and the generated PDF file will be IEEE Xplore-compliant. For executing this option, you have to select “Create New Title”, introduce the title of the paper, and then upload the source files. Once the file is converted, download it. This will be the final manuscript file that you will have to upload later on in EDAS.
      • Option 2: You can validate a PDF file generated previously with any other tool. If you choose this option, please make sure that all the fonts are embedded, there are no bookmarks and no links (URLs). For executing this option, you have to select “Create New Title”, introduce the title of the paper, and then upload your PDF file. Once the status of the file indicates “PDF Passed PDF check; PDF is IEEE Xplore compatible”, download it from PDF eXpress. This will be the final manuscript file that you will have to upload later on in EDAS (please note that EDAS will not allow you to upload the initial PDF file, but the validated and certified file that you download from PDF eXpress).

All papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, and uploaded on EDAS. The direct link for paper submission is The submissions should be formatted with single-spaced, double-column pages using at least 10 pt size fonts on A4 or letter pages in IEEE style format. The maximum number of pages is 4 for full papers and 2 for short papers. Detailed formatting and submission instructions will be available on the conference web site (

Related Topics

The topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Wireless & Mobile Communications
  • Networks and IoT
  • Communication Theory and System
  • Cloud Computing and Big Data
  • Media & Broadcasting, and Devices/Appliances
  • Energy Internet and Smart Grid
  • Vehicular Information and Communication
  • u-Healthcare and Bio-informatics
  • Drone, UAV and Robotics
  • Blockchain, Encryption and Security
  • Mobile S/W and Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Other Services and Applications for ICT Convergence
Selected Journal Publication

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the following international journals as a special issue or section for the KICS Winter Conference.

  • JCN (SCIE)
  • Wireless Personal Communications (SCIE)
  • Intl. Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (SCIE)
  • Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (SCIE)
  • ICT Express (Scopus)
  • KICS Journal (KCI)
Best Paper Awards

Best papers will be selected by the technical program committee among full papers presented at KICS Winter Conference.