Call for Workshop Proposals
Workshops will be held in conjunction with the main conference

** Technically sponsored by IEEE Computer Society, IEICE Communication Society and Organized by KIISE **

** Included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library **

Workshop proposals are solicited with the aim of exploring special topics and providing a forum to present early research results and share experiences focused on more specific research areas than the main conference.

Workshop proposals are invited for the area of computer communications, wireless/mobile networks, and converged networks in the theoretical and practical aspects. Please send your proposal with the information as shown below to the workshop co-chair Prof. Joongheon Kim ( by email.

(1) Title of the workshop, (2) Brief description of the proposed workshop, (3) Technical topics, (4) Main organizer information (Name, Affiliation, email), (5) Past experiences organizing workshops (if any), (6) Other special requests.

No later than Oct. 15, 2022.
Notification of acceptance will be made by Nov. 8, 2022.
Early-bird proposals are highly encouraged and will be given higher priority.

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