IPv6 환경에서 비정상 IPSec 트래픽 대응 보안 시스템 설계
Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 127-138,
10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.4.127, Full Text:
Keywords: IPsec, IPv6, Intrusion Prevention System, Security
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10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.4.127, Full Text:
Keywords: IPsec, IPv6, Intrusion Prevention System, Security
Abstract Statistics
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[IEEE Style]
K. Ka-Eul, K. Kwang-Sun, G. Gye-Hyeon, K. Seong-Goo, E. Young-Ik, "Design of a Security System to Defeat Abnormal IPSec Traffic in IPv6 Networks," Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 127-138, 2006. DOI: 10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.4.127.
[ACM Style]
Kim Ka-Eul, Ko Kwang-Sun, Gyeong Gye-Hyeon, Kang Seong-Goo, and Eom Young-Ik. 2006. Design of a Security System to Defeat Abnormal IPSec Traffic in IPv6 Networks. Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, 16, 4, (2006), 127-138. DOI: 10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.4.127.