General Chair
Een-Kee Hong(President of KICS, Kyung Hee University)

  Technical Program Committee
Chairs Oh-Soon Shin(Soongsil University) Chan-Byoung Chae(Yonsei University)
Ji-Woong Choi(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology)
Vice-Chairs Jong-Ho Lee(Soongsil University) Illsoo Sohn(Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
Jemin Lee(Sungkyunkwan University) Won-Yong Shin(Yonsei University)
Jeongho Kwak(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology)
Members Jiho Song(Hanyang University) Ohyun Jo(Chungbuk National University)
Song Noh(Incheon National University) Sangjoon Park(Kyonggi University)
Jeonghun Park(Kyungpook National University) JeongGil Ko(Yonsei University)
Hyun Jong Yang(Pohang University of Science and Technology) Hye Won Chung(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Chang-Sik Choi(Hongik University) Daewon Seo(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology)
Jinseok Choi(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) JUN, TAESOO(Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Kabseok Ko(Kangwon National University) Duk Kyung Kim(Inha University)

  Special Program Committee
Members Sungtek Kahng(Incheon National University) KIM GYOUNGBAE(Seowon University)
KIM YOUNGHAN(Soongsil University) KIM WOONGSIK(Konyang University)
Haewoon Nam(Hanyang University) Daeyoung Park(Inha University)
Park Minho(Soongsil University) Song Yong Soo(Korea Railroad Research Institute)
Seokjoo Shin(Chosun University) Oh-Soon Shin(Soongsil University)
Josseph Oh(Samsung Research) YOO, MYUNGSIK(Soongsil University)
MEONGHUN LEE(Sunchon National University) Yonghee Lee(SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS)
Wonhyuk Lee(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) LEE IL WOO(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
Jae-Min Lee(Kumoh National Institute of Technology) KyungHi Chang(Inha University)
Haejoon Jung(Kyung Hee University) Buseung Cho(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Juphil Cho(Kunsan National University) Chan-Byoung Chae(Yonsei University)
Ji-Woong Choi(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) Dong Seog Han(Kyungpook National University)
Een-Kee Hong(Kyung Hee University)

  Organizing Committee
Chair Jae-Hyun Kim(Vice President of KICS, Ajou University)
Members Bang Chul Jung(Chungnam National University) Haewoon Nam(Hanyang University)
Hyunggon Park(Ehwa Womans University) Sunwoong Choi(Kookmin University)
Sang Chul Kim(Kookmin University) Park Joon Goo(Kyungpook National University)
Jun Won Choi(Hanyang University) Jae Min Lee(Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
Kyung-Joon Park(Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) Park Minho(Soongsil University)

  • The Korean Institutes of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS)
  • #06296, 3F, 32-3, Nonhyeon-ro 38-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • TEL: 82-2-3453-5555 FAX: 82-2-539-5638 E-mail:
  • Business Registration Number: 214-82-01190