Chair Guideline

Guideline for Oral Session Chair
Before Your Session
  1. Check the Program
    Prior to departure for the meeting, check the program on our website ( or see the advance program, to find the time slot for the session that you are chairing.
  2. Pick up the Materials for Session Chair from Registration Desk
    Please arrive at the registration desk about 20 minutes prior to the start of the session and pick up the material prepared for session chair.
  3. Check the Meeting Room
    Please arrive at the conference room about 15 minutes prior to the start of the session and familiarize yourself with the controls for lights, microphones, and a beam projector. If you encounter problems, immediately alert the session staff who is serving your session in the conference room. Meanwhile, you have to check the presence of individual speaker in your session.
During Your Session
  1. Introduction
    At the start of the session, briefly introduce yourself and explain the timing system to the audience, and as often during the session as you think necessary
  2. Time Allotment 
    The normal allotted time for each speaker depends upon the number of paper in your session (e.g., for 120 minute session with 6 papers, 17 minutes to present and 3 minutes for Q&A). If possible, you may give a brief introduction of the speaker to the audience, including his or her affiliation and position, at the beginning of each presentation.
  3. Absent Speakers
    Should a speaker fail to appear, you may proceed the session by rearranging the presentation schedule until it is ended. If you are notified of the absence of any speaker before the session starts, please announce it to the audience. You have to report the absence of any speaker to the secretariat for conference administration at the registration desk.

Guideline for Poster Session Chair
Before Your Session
  1. Check the Program
    Prior to departure for the meeting, check the program on our website ( or see the advance program, to find the time slot for the poster session that you are chairing.
  2. Pick up the Materials for Poster Session Chair from Registration Desk
    Please arrive at the registration desk about 20 minutes prior to the start of the poster session and pick up the material prepared for chairing.
  3. Check the Meeting Room
    Please arrive at the conference room about 15 minutes prior to the start of the session and familiarize yourself with the space, the poster allocation, and the controls for lights. If you encounter problems, immediately alert the poster session staffs who are serving your session in the conference room. Meanwhile, you have to check the presence of individual presenter in your session.
During Your Session
  1. Introduction
    At the start of the poster session, you may briefly introduce yourself and announce the start of the poster session.
  2. Absent Presenter
    Should a presenter fail to appear, you may proceed the session without his/her poster. You have to report the absence of any presenter to the secretariat for conference administration at the registration desk.