AIM 2023
4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Mobility (AIM)

This workshop discusses about various A.I. and deep learning techniques for distributed, mobile, and networked systems.

Call For Papers

AIM 2023, the 4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Mobility, will be co-located with ICOIN 2023, which will be held during January 11-14, 2023 in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand. This workshop will discuss about AI and deep learning techniques and their related applications to mobile and wireless systems. The workshop focuses on topics related to artificial intelligence and mobility, which include, but are not limited to

  • AI, deep learning
  • Autonomous driving
  • Quantum computing based deep learning
  • Distributed deep learning
  • Deep Q-network
Workshop Organizer
Workshop Technical Program Committee
  • Prof. Minseok Choi (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
  • Prof. Soyi Jung (Ajou University, Korea)
  • Dr. Ju-Hyung Lee (University of Southern California, USA)
  • Miss Soohyun Park (Korea University, Korea)
Submission Instructions

ICOIN 2023 workshops invite the submission of original, unpublished research work (including position papers) that is not currently under review elsewhere.

Authors are invited to submit a full paper (5~6 pages) or a short paper (3~4 pages) electronically as PDF files using the IEEE conference template which are available at The link for paper submission through EDAS is with track name 'AIM'. All submitted papers are subject to peer reviews by Technical Program Committee members. All accepted papers for presentation in the conference will appear in the proceedings of ICOIN 2023. More details about the submission and publication process including formatting instructions will be available at the conference website,

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