Best Paper Awards

The Best Paper Awards are given to the authors of the papers which have the highest quality among all competitive papers presented at the conference. The best papers are selected in two steps. First, selected technical program committee (vice) co-chairs pre-select a small number of papers from all competitive track submissions that have received the most positive reviewer feedback. Thereafter, the organizing general co-chairs review these pre-selected papers anonymously and determine the best papers. Paper submissions by technical program committee (vice) co-chairs and members of the organizing committee are not eligible for the Best Paper Award.

For this year, the following papers are selected as best papers of ICOIN 2021:

Best Paper Awards
Infrastructure-Assisted Cooperative Multi-UAV Deep Reinforcement Energy Trading Learning for Big-Data Processing
Soyi Jung (Ajou University, Korea (South)); Won Joon Yun and Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South)); Jae-Hyun Kim (Ajou University, South Korea, Korea (South))
Joint Latency and Reliability-Aware Controller Placement
Kurdman Abdulrahman Rasol (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain); Jordi Domingo-Pascual (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) & Technical University of Catalunya (UPC) Advanced Broadband Communications Center, Spain)
Engineering a Network in the Sky
Zygmunt J. Haas (Cornell University & Wireless Networks Lab, USA); Zhong Zheng (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
Investigating Cybersecurity News Articles by Applying Topic Modeling Method
Piyush Ghasiya and Koji Okamura (Kyushu University, Japan)
Machine Learning Algorithm for Detection of False Data Injection Attack in Power System
Ajit Kumar (Soongsil University, Korea (South)); Neetesh Saxena (Cardiff University, United Kingdom (Great Britain)); Bong Jun David Choi (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
Best Poster Paper Awards
Reliable Integrated Space-Oceanic Network Profit Maximization by Bender Decomposition Approach
Sheikh Salman Hassan, Umer Majeed and Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea (South))
Best Workshop Paper Awards
Mobility-Aware Optimal Task Offloading in Distributed Edge Computing
Youbin Jeon, Hosung Baek and Sangheon Pack (Korea University, Korea (South))
Best Recent Results Paper Awards
Machine Learning-Based Real-time SOC Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery
Adib M. Kamali, Angela Caliwag, Wansu Lim
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