IPsec System에서 IKEv2 프로토콜 엔진의 구현 및 성능 평가
Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 35-46,
10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.5.35, Full Text:
Keywords: IPsec, IKE, IKEv2, Security
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10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.5.35, Full Text:
Keywords: IPsec, IKE, IKEv2, Security
Abstract Statistics
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[IEEE Style]
S. Kim, J. Chun, M. Jun, "An Implementation and Performance Evaluation of IPsec System engaged IKEv2 Protocol Engine," Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 35-46, 2006. DOI: 10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.5.35.
[ACM Style]
Sung-Chan Kim, Jun-Ho Chun, and Moon-Seog Jun. 2006. An Implementation and Performance Evaluation of IPsec System engaged IKEv2 Protocol Engine. Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology, 16, 5, (2006), 35-46. DOI: 10.13089/JKIISC.2006.16.5.35.