Best Paper Awards

The Best Paper Awards are given to the authors of the papers which have the highest quality among all competitive papers presented at the conference. The best papers are selected in two steps. First, selected TPC chairs pre-select a small number of papers from all competitive track submissions that have received the most positive reviewer feedback. Thereafter, the organizing general co-chairs review these pre-selected papers anonymously and determine the best papers.

For this year, the following papers are selected as best papers of ICOIN 2022:

Best Paper Awards
Detecting Ambiguous Phishing Certificates Using Machine Learning
Sajad Homayoun (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark); Kaspar Hageman (Aalborg University, Denmark); Sam Afzal-Houshmand (Technical University of Denmark (DTU) & None, Denmark); Christian Jensen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark); Jens M. Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Random Walk on a Graph with Vicinity Avoidance
Keita Kitaura, Ryotaro Matsuo and Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Context-Aware Redundancy Mitigation for Vehicular Collective Perception Services
Beopgwon Jung, Joonwoo Kim and Sangheon Pack (Korea University, Korea)
Encryption-Then-Compression System for Cloudbased Medical Image Services
Ijaz Ahmad and Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University, Korea)
Adaptive Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning
Yunchi Gong (Cosco Petrochina Shipping CO., LTD., China)
EEC-GA: Energy-Efficient Clustering Approach Using Genetic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
Raheleh Samadi (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Jochen Seitz (Technische Universitaet Ilmenau, Germany)
Optimizing Resource Scaling in Network Slicing
Chien Nhu Nguyen and Minho Park (Soongsil University, Korea)
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