Final Program
The Final Conference Program

* The 2022 ICOIN Final Program is now available. (Download, Last updated: January 12, 2022)

Paper ID Title Authors with affiliation and country
Session A-1 (Security)
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. JungRyun Lee, Chung-Ang University, Korea
A-1-1 Detecting Ambiguous Phishing Certificates Using Machine Learning Sajad Homayoun (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark); Kaspar Hageman (Aalborg University, Denmark); Sam Afzal-Houshmand (Technical University of Denmark (DTU) & None, Denmark); Christian Jensen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark); Jens M. Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
A-1-2 Efficient Attacker Node(s) Detection and Isolation Schemes in MANETs OLSR Protocol Dereje Regassa and Heon Y. Yeom (Seoul National University, Korea (South)); Yongseok Son (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
A-1-3 Intrusion Detection Toward Feature Reconstruction Using Huber Conditional Variational AutoEncoder Miora Rakotomandimby and Fenohasina Razafimahatratra (Wuhan University of Technology, China)
A-1-4 TMorph: A Traffic Morphing Framework to Test Network Defenses Against Adversarial Attacks Zhenning Xu, Hassan Khan and Radu Muresan (University of Guelph, Canada)
A-1-5 Benchmarking Machine Learning Based Detection of Cyber Attacks for Critical Infrastructure Ajit Kumar and Bong Jun David Choi (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
Session B-1 (Privacy)
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Yongseok Son, Chung-Ang University, Korea
B-1-1 Encryption-Then-Compression System for Cloudbased Medical Image Services Ijaz Ahmad and Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University, Korea (South))
B-1-2 Let's Re-Sign! Analysis and Equivocation-Resistant Distribution of OpenPGP Revocations Tobias Mueller (Uni Hamburg, Germany)
B-1-3 An Analysis on the Variants of the RSA Cryptography Ripon Patgiri (National Insitute of Technology Silchar, India); Laiphrakpam Dolendro Singh (National Institute of Technology Silchar, India)
B-1-4 Secure Key Establishment Protocol for Smart Homes Based on Symmetric Cryptography Chian Techapanupreeda and Chalee Thammarat (Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand)
B-1-5 Emerging Privacy and Trust Issues for Autonomous Vehicle Systems Thai-Hung Nguyen, Truong Giang Vu and Huong-Lan Tran (VinUniversity, Vietnam); Kok-Seng Wong (VinUniversitty, Vietnam)
Session A-2 (Blockchain)
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Jeongyeup Paek, Chung-Ang University, Korea
A-2-1 The Credibility Cryptocurrency Valuation: Statistical Learning Analysis for Influencer Tweets Haemin Lee (Korea University, Korea (South)); Youngkee Kim (Korea Univiersity, Korea (South)); Hyunhee Cho (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); Soyi Jung (Hallym University, Korea (South)); Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South))
A-2-2 An Online Real-Time Face Recognition System for Police Purposes Christos J Bouras and Evangelos Michos (University of Patras, Greece)
A-2-3 DD-Locker: Blockchain Based Decentralized Personal Document Locker Jai Singhal and Ankit Gautam (BITS, India); Ashutosh Bhatia (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India); Ankit Agrawal (BITS Pilani, India); Rekha Kaushik (MANIT, India)
A-2-4 Multi-Vendor IOT Based Resource Sharing Using OAuth and Blockchain Rudraraju Varma and Ankit Agrawal (BITS Pilani, India); Ashutosh Bhatia (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India); Kamlesh Tiwari (BITS Pilani, India)
A-2-5 Blockchain-Enabled Access Control with Fog Nodes for Independent IoTs Mukhammaddiyor Khaydaraliev, Min-Hyung Rhie, and Ki-Hyung Kim (Ajou University, Korea (South))
Session B-2 (Internet of Things)
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Dr. Ajit Kumar, Soongsil University, Korea
B-2-1 DiBLIoT: A Distributed Blacklisting Protocol for IoT Device Classification Using the Hashgraph Consensus Algorithm Ozan Tarlan (Ozyegin University, Turkey); Ilgın Safak (Fibabanka, Turkey); Kubra Kalkan (Ozyegin University, Turkey)
B-2-2 Toward a Generic and Secure Bootloader for IoT Device Firmware OTA Update Saad El Jaouhari (ISEP, France); Eric Bouvet (Orange Labs, France)
B-2-3 Development of an Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Automated Bag-Valve-Mask Gabriel Avelino R Sampedro (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South) & National University, Philippines); Ryanne Gail Kim (Philippine Coding Camp, Philippines); Jose Mari Cobar, Keith Daniel Abaja and Ronnie Baluis (Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines)
B-2-4 Deep Learning Based Route Information Extraction from Satellite Imagery for Agricultural Machinery Management Yu-Cheng Chien, Yi-Chun Yeh and Nen-Fu Huang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
B-2-5 A Long Range Reliable Precise Irrigation System Based on LoRaP2P Protocol Jia-Cheng Zhang (National Tsing Hua University, China); Daniel Ho Teck Khieng and Nen-Fu Huang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
Session A-3 (Streaming)
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Nurul Sarkar, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
A-3-1 DASH Rate Control Using Game Theory to Consider User Video Preference Takumi Yanagisawa and Sumiko Miyata (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)
A-3-2 A Neural-Network Distortion Estimation-Based Adaptive Video Streaming in Wireless Networks Truong Xuan Do (Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation, Vietnam); Ha Nguyen (Viettel Research and Development Institute, Vietnam); Binh Nguyen (Viettel Research & Development Institute, Vietnam); Tung Dang (Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation, Vietnam)
A-3-3 Modeling of Cognitive Bias of Video Viewing Users Based on Quantum Decision Making Natsumi Nishizawa, Tatsuya Otoshi and Masayuki Murata (Osaka University, Japan)
A-3-4 The Impact of Wireless Nodes on the Performance of Video Streaming over a Gigabit Backbone Network Nurul I Sarkar and Sonia Gul (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
A-3-5 Measurement Based Evaluation of Video Streaming Method for Remote Driving Systems Yang Yu and Sanghwan Lee (Kookmin University, Korea (South))
Session B-3 (Health)
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Dongkyun Kim, Kyungpook National University, Korea
B-3-1 InCOV Chamber: Intelligent Chamber to Detect Potential COVID-19 Positive Patients Rashini K Liyanarachchi, Manujaya Premathilaka, Hirumi Samarawickrama, Nuwana Thilakasiri and Sasini Wellalage (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka); Janaka Wijekoon (Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Sri Lanka & Keio University, Japan)
B-3-2 Correlation Between SpO2 and Heart Rate in Sleep Apnea Detection Anita Ramachandran (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India); Apoorva Bajaj (BITS Pilani, India); Anupama Karuppiah (BITS Pilani K K Birla, Goa Campus, India)
B-3-3 Analysing Egocentric Networks via Local Structure and Centrality Measures: A Study on Chronic Pain Patients Mingshan Jia (University of Technology Sydney, Australia); Maité Van Alboom, Liesbet Goubert and Piet Bracke (Ghent University, Belgium); Bogdan Gabrys and Katarzyna Musial (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
B-3-4 Chest X-Ray Anomaly Object Detection and Classification Framework for Medical Diagnosis Jamshaid Iqbal Janjua (Al-Khawarizimi Institute of Computer Science & University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan)
B-3-5 Deep Learning Based Semantic Ontology Alignment Process and Predictive Analysis of Depressive Disorder Il Young Chong (DL Information Technology (DLIT) / Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Korea (South)); Sang Hong Lee (Dankook University, Korea (South))
Session A-4 (SDN/Cloud)
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Sangheon Pack, Korea University, Korea
A-4-1 A Design of Network Mobility Management on Cloud Native Tactical Edge Cloud Hokeun Lim (Soongsil, Korea (South)); Younghan Kim (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
A-4-2 Enhanced One-Way Delay Monitoring with OpenFlow Peter Sossalla and Justus Rischke (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany)
A-4-3 Real-Time Dragonfruit Ripeness Classification System with Edge Computing Based on Convolution Neural Network Che-Wei Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Huang and Nen-Fu Huang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
A-4-4 Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS) Attack Detection by Attention on Flow-Based in Software Defined Network (SDN) Vinh Quoc Ta and Minho Park (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
A-4-5 A Hash-Free Method for FIB and LNPM in ICN Programmable Data Planes Eduardo Castilho Rosa (Goiano Federal Institute & Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil); Flavio de Oliveira Silva (Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil)
Session B-4 (Wireless)
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Seokjoo Shin, Chosun University, Korea
B-4-1 Radio Propagation Extrapolation by Using Multiple Separated Propagation Paths Estimated by Radio Map Shougo Matsuo and Sunao Miyamoto (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan); Keita Katagiri (The University of Electro-Communication, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
B-4-2 Partitioned Path Loss Models Based on Coefficient of Determination Keita Katagiri (The University of Electro-Communication, Japan); Takeo Fujii (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
B-4-3 Cross-Beam Retransmission in mmWave Networks Eunkyung Kim (Hanbat National University, Korea (South))
B-4-4 Distortion Performance of MIMO Mobile Underwater Acoustic Networks with Retransmissions Andrej Stefanov (IBU Skopje, Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of)
B-4-5 Capacity Limitation of Small Cell Densification Muhammad Usman Sheikh (Aalto University, Finland); Jukka Lempiäinen (Tampere University of Technology, Finland); Riku Jäntti (Aalto University, Finland)
Session A-5 (Theory)
(January 14, 2022 (Fri), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Jaesung Park, Kwangwoon University, Korea
A-5-1 A Solution for Finding Quasi-Shortest Path with Graph Coarsening Takeaki Iwata, Keita Kitaura, Ryotaro Matsuo and Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
A-5-2 Stochastic Multi-Distribution Modeling of Inter-Contact Times Fabricio Cravo and Thomas Nowak (Université Paris-Saclay, France)
A-5-3 A Tracing Based Model to Identify Bottlenecks in Physically Distributed Applications Clément Cassé (CNRS/LAAS - Université de Toulouse & Orange, France); Pascal Berthou (CNRS/LAAS - Université de Toulouse, France); Philippe Owezarski (LAAS-CNRS, France); Sébastien Josset (Orange, France)
A-5-4 Random Walk on a Graph with Vicinity Avoidance Keita Kitaura, Ryotaro Matsuo and Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
A-5-5 On Accelerating Multiple Random Walks with Loose Cooperation Jo Hagikura, Ryotaro Matsuo and Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
A-5-6 Broadcast with Tree Selection on an Overlay Network Takeshi Kaneko and Kazuyuki Shudo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Session B-5 (Machine Learning)
(January 14, 2022 (Fri), 13:00 ~ 14:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Haneul Ko, Korea University, Korea
B-5-1 Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection Using SeqVAE-CNN Hybrid Model Taesung Choi and Dongkun Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea (South)); Yuchae Jung (Open Cyber University of Korea (OCU), Korea (South)); Ho-Jin Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea (South))
B-5-2 Adaptive Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning Yunchi Gong (Cosco Petrochina Shipping CO., LTD., China)
B-5-3 On Inferring Communication Delays Using Semi-Supervised Learning Taisei Suzuki and Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan)
B-5-4 Composite Multi-Directional LSTM for Accurate Prediction of Energy Consumption Made Adi Paramartha Putra, Dong Seong Kim and Jae Min Lee (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
B-5-5 Personal Thermal Comfort Model for Cyber-Physical Human Centric Systems Using Incomplete Supervised Learning Method Yuto Lim (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) & School of Information Science, Japan); Chenmian Zhou (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan); Yasuo Tan (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology & National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan); Yuan Fang (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan & Dalian Polytechnic University, China); Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh (University Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia)
Session A-6 (Mobile)
(January 14, 2022 (Fri), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Afaq Muhammad, Sarhad University of Science and IT, Pakistan
A-6-1 Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Context-Aware Redundancy Mitigation for Vehicular Collective Perception Services Beopgwon Jung, Joonwoo Kim and Sangheon Pack (Korea University, Korea (South))
A-6-2 EEC-GA: Energy-Efficient Clustering Approach Using Genetic Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Raheleh Samadi (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany); Jochen Seitz (Technische Universitaet Ilmenau, Germany)
A-6-3 Penalized Approach for Wide Coverage in Gamified Participatory D2D Communication Megumi Mizuto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan); Hideya So (Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan); Kazuki Maruta (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan); Yu Nakayama (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan)
A-6-4 Proposal and Prototyping on Wildlife Tracking System Using Infrared Sensors Eisei Yoshida, Natthaphol Uthumphirat, Nao Ogino, Suzuka Kobayashi, Yuki Nakamura, Tetsuya Yokotani and Hiroaki Mukai (Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan)
A-6-5 Mapping Network Performance to Radio Resources Afonso Oliveira (INESC-ID, Portugal & Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal); Teresa Vazão (Inesc-ID/Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal)
Session B-6 (Selected Papers from Workshops)
(January 14, 2022 (Fri), 15:00 ~ 16:40 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Eun-Seok Ryu, SKKU, Korea
B-6-1 Rethinking Fatigue-Aware 6DoF Video Streaming: Focusing on MPEG Immersive Video Jong-Beom Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); Soonbin Lee and Eun-Seok Ryu (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea (South))
B-6-2 Efficient Group-Based Packing Strategy for 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming Soonbin Lee (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea (South)); Jong-Beom Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); Eun-Seok Ryu (Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea (South))
B-6-3 Restore Buffer Overflow Attacks: Breaking Undo-Based Defense Schemes Jongmin Lee and Gunjae Koo (Korea University, Korea (South))
B-6-4 MEC-Enhanced Aerial Serving Networks via HAP: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach Thanh Phung Truong, Anh-Tien Tran and Thi My Tuyen Nguyen (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South)); The-Vi Nguyen (Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, Korea (South)); Arooj Masood and Sungrae Cho (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
B-6-5 Downgrading Backward Privacy of Searchable Encryption Muncheon Yoo and Hyundo Yoon (Korea University, Korea (South)); Changhee Hahn (Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea (South)); Dongyoung Koo (Hansung University, Korea (South)); Junbeom Hur (Korea University, Korea (South))
Session Poster-1
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 17:00 ~ 18:20 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Jeongho Kwak, DGIST, Korea
P-1-1 A New Interest-Based Protocol to Hide and Protect Servers in IP Networks Marco Antonio Coutinho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Evandro Luiz Cardoso Macedo and Luis Felipe M. de Moraes (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil); Victor Messner (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Diego Leonel Cadette Dutra and Claudio L Amorim (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Valeriana Roncero, Nilton Alves, Jr., Marita Maestrelli, Márcio de Albuquerque and Sandro L. P. Silva (Brazilian Center for Research in Physics, Brazil)
P-1-2 DLNet: Domain-Specific Lightweight Network for On-Device Object Detection Seongju Kang (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South)); Jaegi Hwang (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South), Korea (South)); Kwangsue Chung (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-1-3 A Round-Robin Position Change Algorithm in Vehicle Platooning Issaree Srisomboon and Sanghwan Lee (Kookmin University, Korea (South))
P-1-4 Data Aggregation Latency Minimization in Multi-Channel Duty-Cycled WSNs Van-Vi Vo and Duc Tai Le (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); Moonseong Kim (Seoul Theological University, Korea (South)); Hyunseung Choo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South))
P-1-5 A Spatial Common Datasets for Linkage Between Dataset Values Yun-Young Hwang (Korean Institute S&T Information, Korea (South)); Sumi Shin (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Korea (South))
P-1-6 Passive Localization for Comparing Physical Activities in Indoor Environments Junlin Yin (Massey University, New Zealand); Syed Faraz Hasan (University of Buraimi, Oman)
P-1-7 Dynamic Time Division Duplexing for Green Internet of Things Van Dat Tuong (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South)); Nhu-Ngoc Dao (Sejong University, Korea (South)); Wonjong Noh (Hallym Universit, Korea (South)); Sungrae Cho (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
P-1-8 DRL-Based Energy Efficient Communication Coverage Control in Hierarchical HAP-LAP Network Thien Duc Hua (Chung-Ang University & UCLab, Korea (South)); Demeke Shumeye and Sungrae Cho (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
P-1-9 Case Study of Moth Flame Optimization Implementation for Network Challenges Anisa Rahmanti, Fajar Budi Setiawan, I Wayan Mustika and Selo Sulistyo (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
P-1-10 ESPAR Antenna Design for the Interference Mitigation in WSN Communication System Toufiq Aziz and Heung-Gyoon Ryu (Chungbuk National University, Korea (South))
Session Poster-2
(January 12, 2022 (Wed), 17:00 ~ 18:20 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Hyeryung Jang, Dongguk University, Korea
P-2-1 Unplanned UAV Trajectory-Based Data Collection in Large-Scale Sensor Networks Rezoan Ahmed Nazib and Safdar Hussain Bouk (Ajou University, Korea (South)); Zeeshan Hameed Mir (Higher Colleges of Technology, United Arab Emirates); Young-Bae Ko (Ajou University, Korea (South))
P-2-2 A WTTE-RNN Based Hypoglycemic Event Prediction TaeHyun Eom and Hyukjoon Lee (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-2-3 Adaptive Drone Identification and Neutralization Scheme for Real-Time Military Tactical Operations Simeon Ajakwe (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Gumi, Korea (South)); Vivian Ukamaka Ihekoronye (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South)); Rubina Akter (Kumoh National Institute of Technology & Networked Systems Laboratory, Korea (South)); Dong Seong Kim and Jae Min Lee (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
P-2-4 A Prediction Scheme for Movie Preference Rating Based on DeepFM Model Dong Uk Won (Kwang Woon University, Korea, Korea (South)); Hwasung Kim (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-2-5 Improved Partial Transmit Sequence Based PAPR Reduction of UFMC Systems Esmot Ara Tuli (Kumoh National Institute of Technology & Networked Systems Lab, Korea (South)); Jae Min Lee and Dong Seong Kim (Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Korea (South))
P-2-6 Serverless Computing Approach for Deploying Machine Learning Applications in Edge Layer Phuong Bac Ta, younghan Kim and Minh-Ngoc Tran (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
P-2-7 Received Signal Strength Indicator for Device Localization in Post Disaster Scenarios Todd Murray (Massey University, New Zealand); Syed Faraz Hasan (University of Buraimi, Oman)
P-2-8 Ontology-Based NSD Modeling for NFV Service Management Sang il Kim (KwangWoon University, Korea (South)); Hwasung Kim (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-2-9 Optimizing Resource Scaling in Network Slicing Chien Nhu Nguyen and Minho Park (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
P-2-10 Edge Assisted Crime Prediction and Evaluation Framework for Machine Learning Algorithms Apurba Adhikary (Kyung Hee University, Korea (South)); Saydul Murad (University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia); Md. Shirajum Munir and Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea (South))
Session Poster-3
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 17:00 ~ 18:20 GMT+9, Amethyst Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Ki-Hyung Kim, Ajou University, Korea
P-3-1 Friendly Jamming in LoRa Physical Layer Using Imperfect Orthogonality of Spreading Factor Soo Jung Moon and Wonjun Lee (Korea University, Korea (South))
P-3-2 Sequential Beam, User and Power Allocation for Interference Management in 5G mmWave Networks Suyoung Ahn and Joonpyo Hong (DGIST, Korea (South)); Yun Hee Cho and Jeehyeon Na (ETRI, Korea (South)); Jeongho Kwak (DGIST, Korea (South))
P-3-3 Web-Based Car Control and Monitoring for Safe Driving of Autonomous Vehicles JunHee Kwon (University of Computer Science, Korea (South)); Bien Aime Mugabarigira and Jaehoon Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South))
P-3-4 mmWave Path Loss Modeling for Urban Scenarios Based on 3D-Convolutional Neural Networks Hyeonjin Kim, Woobeen Jin and Hyukjoon Lee (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-3-5 A Neural Network-Based Path Loss Model for Low-Power Bluetooth Transceivers Sung-hyun Kim, Sung-woo Moon, Myeongjin Ko, Dae-gyeom Kim and Yong-Hoon Choi (Kwangwoon University, Korea (South))
P-3-6 Detection of DoH Tunneling Using Semi-Supervised Learning Method Nguyen Anh Tuan (SoongSil University, Korea (South)); Minho Park (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
P-3-7 A Web-Based Monitoring System of Network Security Functions in Blockchain-Based Cloud Security Systems Jeonghyeon (Joshua) Kim, Patrick Lingga and Jaehoon Jeong (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); YunChul Choi and Jungsoo Park (ETRI, Korea (South))
P-3-8 Efficient Content Delivery to Vehicles Passing Through a Wireless-Enabled Traffic Signal System Aunas Manzoor, S. M. Ahsan Kazmi and Choong Seon Hong (Kyung Hee University, Korea (South))
P-3-9 Wi-Fi Direct Applications Within a Post Covid Classroom - Bridging the Gap Between Fully Online and Face to Face Learning Michael Hosein (University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago)
P-3-10 Survey on Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Cache-Assisted Video Streaming System Minseok Choi (Jeju National University, Korea (South))
Session Poster-4
(January 13, 2022 (Thu), 17:00 ~ 18:20 GMT+9, Sapphire Hall)
Session Chair: Prof. Hyosu Kim, Chung-Ang University, Korea
P-4-1 Stable Marriage Matching for Traffic-Aware Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks: A Gale-Shapley Algorithmic Approach Hyunsoo Lee and Haemin Lee (Korea University, Korea (South)); Soyi Jung (Hallym University, Korea (South)); Joongheon Kim (Korea University, Korea (South))
P-4-2 Improving the Robustness of the Bug Triage Model Through Adversarial Training Min-ha Kim, Dae-sung Wang, Sheng-tsai Wang, Seo-Hyeon Park and Chan-gun Lee (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
P-4-3 Reinforcement Learning Based Load Balancing in a Distributed Heterogeneous Storage System Jooyoung Park (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South)); Seunghwan Jeong (SungKyunKwan University, Korea (South)); Honguk Woo (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea (South))
P-4-4 Is This URL Safe: Detection of Malicious URLs Using Global Vector for Word Representation Rohit K Bharadwaj (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, India); Ashutosh Bhatia (Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India); Laxmi Chhibbar (BITS, India); Kamlesh Tiwari and Ankit Agrawal (BITS Pilani, India)
P-4-5 Learning-Based Scheduling and Energy Efficiency in a D2D Network EunJeong Han, Sengly Muy and Jung Ryun Lee (Chung-Ang University, Korea (South))
P-4-6 VHAS: Video Highlight Based Adaptive Streaming Hangyeol Hong, Hyerin Kim and Chong-kwon Kim (Seoul National University, Korea (South))
P-4-7 PatchGAN-Based Depth Completion in Autonomous Vehicle Tri Minh Nguyen and Myungsik Yoo (Soongsil University, Korea (South))
P-4-8 Fog Computing- and Software Defined Network-Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Khalid A. Darabkh and Bayan Alkhader (The University of Jordan, Jordan)
P-4-9 Performance Comparison of 1D and 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Real-Time Classification of Time Series Sensor Data Syed Maaz Shahid (University of Ulsan, Korea (South)); Sunghoon Ko (Hyundai Heavy Industries, Korea (South)); Sungoh Kwon (University of Ulsan, Korea (South))
The Final Conference Program

* The 2022 ICOIN Final Program is now available. (Download, Last updated: January 12, 2022)

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